Thursday, April 30, 2009


I don't know why this is underlined... I guess that's just how it's going to be this time... Anyway, I will write more later, but I just uploaded my pictures from this weekend and had to compare them to the ones from December... First up - Grandma Hietikko and Belle...
Next - Grandpa Hietikko and Belle...
Finally - Uncle J and Belle...Holy cow!!! She is SOOO BIG!!!! The strangest part is, I can't really remember her being so small!!! Alright, that's it for now...

1 comment:

Amy Starkey said...

wow!!! she really has grown. i mean, i knew she'd grown, but it's all just so fast...i already miss the little cuddly bug that kaylen used to be...she does not like just cuddling up into your neck as much anymore, she wants to see what's going on in the world...before we know it they're gonna be starting school...OMG!!!!