Monday, January 26, 2009

Shake it Baby, Shake it!

First off - I have to say how much I hate computers... So I had to install Firefox on my computer because I can't check my work email with Safari (the mac default internet browser) so I've been using Firefox.  Well, I've been trying, unsuccessfully to upload videos to this thing for a few weeks now and today I just decided to try it using Safari because I was getting pissed at it and voila! It worked!  What's with that???  On top of that, the other day I was trying to do something else and could only get it to work with Internet Explorer... Seriously... I thought this whole technology thing was a little smarter than that... One would think that each of these browsers would be able to do the exact same things, but no.... We have to have 15 different ones to do something... ugh... so frustrating!!!

Anyhoo - so, we have been working on getting Isabelle to hold onto her rattle and shake it and once in a while we can get her to grab it, but she doesn't really know what to do after that or she'll move her hands and drop the rattle, well, today, I finally got her to hold it and shake it... it's so cute.  Here's a little video clip for you! :)
And here are some other pictures for your enjoyment too... 
This one is so cute.... She looks like she's up to something....

This one is her hoodie from Grandma and Grandpa Hietikko - her first Osh Kosh piece. :)

Here is her little onesie from Grandma Lumsden.  I've been waiting to put it on her until it is a little warmer out, but I think she'll grow out of it before it's warm enough for short sleeves, so I put it on under her shirt, but took a picture first for Grandma! :)

Just a cute picture... Actually doing "tummy time" without screaming her head off...  Her new favorite thing (and what a relief for me) is just laying on a blanket on the floor.  It's a little nerve racking putting her on the floor with the crazy dogs jumping all around, but she will just lay there for an hour and just be happy flailing her little arms and legs around.  It's a great relief for me because I can get some things done without holding her constantly or putting her in a swing or something that she is confined in.

Well, that's it for now.  I am having lunch with Mia tomorrow to catch up and lunch with Diego, John, Allison and Frank Wednesday to catch up! :)  Looking forward to it!  Hope you are all doing well and staying warm!  We had a couple flakes today and will probably get a couple more tomorrow...

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